Final Project Report Template

Download the SA Red Meat and Wool Blueprint 2030 to ensure your project aligns with key industry priorities.

Livestock SA will use this summary to publicly communicate the progress of projects to producers and other stakeholders and for reporting purposes.
(max. 500 words) Please outline the project outcomes/results, in plain English. Include how the project benefited the SA Red Meat and Wool Industry including any links to the Red Meat and Wool Blueprint priorities.
(max. 500 words) Please explain how the project has benefited the SA Red Meat and/or Wool Industry.
(max. 700 words) Please outline what objectives the project achieved, referring to the objectives outlined in the project contract. If any objectives were not met, please explain why.
(max. 500 words) Did the project receive any media coverage, did you undertake any awareness activities, or did you promote the program/project or its findings? Please complete the table below and add attachments of communication activities.
Communication Activity Date of activity Summary of activity (topic, reach etc.)  
(max. 500 words) Please outline any issues/difficulties encountered that impacted on achieving the aims of the project. Include how these were addressed.
Please describe if the project links with other projects and how it has contributed to this work.
Project Link 
(max. 300 words) Please describe any continuing project work/industry adoption/extension that will follow the completion of this project.
(max. 200 words) Please detail any information not already included in the report.
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