Progress Report Template

Download the SA Red Meat and Wool Blueprint 2030 to ensure your project aligns with key industry priorities.

(Refer to contract milestone reporting requirements)
(max. 300 words) Please outline the progress towards the project objectives as outlined in the contract.
(In accordance with report date)
(500 words) Describe what the program/project delivered during the reporting period. Also describe progress towards achieving the program/project’s aim and objectives as were provided in the original SIF/CIF project proposal (funding application).
(300 words) During the reporting period did the project receive any media coverage, did you undertake any awareness activities, or did you promote the program/project or its findings?
Communication Activity Date of activity Summary of activity (topic, reach etc.)  
Allowed file type PDF, JPG, PNG
(300 words) Do you envision the project not meeting its deliverables on time? If so please indicate why and the impacts on project completion. Also include strategies to mitigate these impacts.
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