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Important News

Sheep 73

Footrot Legislative Changes

Key Changes Effective from 1 January 2025. Footrot will be classified as a notifiable (report only) disease.

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Members' Muster - Producer Support Services

Livestock SA is conducting the Members' Muster survey to gather feedback from livestock producers about the challenges they face and the support services available in...

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New Livestock Advisory Committee

Livestock SA is pleased announce that nominations for its new Livestock Advisory Committee are now open. This establishment of the new committee is one of...

Livestock SA is the peak industry body for South Australia's red meat and wool producers

Noun members 2435402


Livestock SA provides the opportunity for all South Australian livestock producers to have their say on the people and policies that best represent them and their industry.

Noun Advocacy 4186


Livestock SA is a voice for all livestock producers, working to inform government, businesses and the wider community on the contribution of livestock producers to the food and fibre industries.

Noun Policy 3194426


Livestock SA works with industry stakeholders to develop policies that will promote a strong, viable, profitable and productive livestock industry.

Noun leadership 2651375

Industry Development

Livestock SA supports Industry Development through the delivery of services and facilitation of investment in the SA livestock industry.