Livestock SA is a member of the following:
- Cattle Australia
- Goat Industry Council of Australia
- Sheep Producers Australia
- South East Australian Livestock Exporters Association
- WoolProducers Australia
- Primary Producers SA (PPSA)
PPSA became a member of the National Farmers Federation in 2017.
Other peak national bodies relating to livestock are:
- Animal Health Australia
- Australian Wool Innovation (AWI)
- Livestock Biosecurity Network
- Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA)
- National Livestock Identification System (NLIS)
- Livestock Production Assurance program (LPA)
- Farm Biosecurity Program
Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA)
- Livestock investment opportunities in South Australia
- Biosecurity SA
- SARDI Livestock and Farming Systems Research Division
- SA wild dog trapping program
- Family and Business Mentors (FaB)
- Improving Road Transport for Primary Production Project
- Heavy Vehicle Inspection Scheme
- ‘Fit to Load’ guide
- Livestock Transport Hub by MLA