2021 Annual General Meeting and Board Elections
The 2021/22 Livestock SA board was announced during the organisation’s Annual General Meeting on August 23.
There were five board positions up for election at the AGM, which was held at the Adelaide Hills Convention Centre in Hahndorf and streamed online via video conferencing platform Zoom.
All positions were filled by currently sitting members Gillian Fennell, Marla; Allan Piggott, Moorlands; Samantha Neumann, Barossa; Mark Dennis, Koppio and Glen Tilley, Tarlee.
Joe Keynes was re-elected as the board’s president for a fourth consecutive term, while Allan Piggott and Gillian Fennell were both chosen to continue their tenure as vice president and treasurer respectively.
Livestock SA CEO Andrew Curtis said the board was comprised of dedicated members passionate about representing livestock producers across South Australia.
“This group has served the industry diligently throughout this difficult COVID-19 pandemic and that will continue over the next 12 months,” he said.
“Members come from various regions across the state, meaning our board has a thorough and diverse understanding of the needs of our industries.
“Livestock SA is excited about continuing to progress and develop the organisation into the future.”