April Newsletter: President’s Report
In stark contrast to this time last year, Livestock SA staff and board members have been able to attend many face-to-face events this month. It has been great to meet with members and industry stakeholders at these events once again.
Livestock SA is happy to announce the release of the South Australian Sheep Industry Blueprint 2030, which was launched on Friday 5 March at the MeatUp Forum in Gawler. The Blueprint will build on the success and momentum of the 2015- 2020 Blueprint and aims to boost revenue of SA’s sheepmeat and wool industry to $3 billion annually.
The vision is to continuously support a prosperous South Australian sheep value chain which is connected and adaptable, capturing market opportunities and continuously improving stewardship of animals and the land. To read the Blueprint, visit the Livestock SA website.
Livestock SA held its Northern Region Meeting in early March at the Port Augusta Golf Club. With approximately 20 members in attendance, Northern Region chairman David Bell hosted a productive meeting. Discussion included the Young Farmer Scholarships, discussion surrounding the Pastoral Act review and rural road signage issues and a presentation from the Department for Environment and Water on the Northern Wells Water Allocation Plan.
Livestock SA also held its board meeting last month which provided productive discussion around dog fence renewal, the Revitalising Private Conservation program, the new South Australian Sheep Industry Blueprint, Growing SA 2021 conference, the National Farmers Federation regional roadshow, the Cattle Council of Australia revamp, electronic identification for livestock and the Pastoral Lands and Biosecurity Acts.
After many, many years of service to the SA livestock industry, our policy officer Deane Crabb has announced his retirement. Deane was critical to the formation and growth of Livestock SA over the past seven years. He has been a voice for Livestock SA members through his policy work, along with his time as executive officer of Livestock SA for three years after the organisation was established. While we will miss Deane and his wealth of knowledge, we wish him all the best for his retirement and the future. Deane will be retiring on Thursday 22 April 2021.
JOE KEYNES, President, Livestock SA
Read the April newsletter online.