Are you banking on beef for your family’s future?
If your answer is yes, then you’ll be looking for the profit and sustainability essential to delivering your family’s dreams. You’ll also be hoping your industry will support you in achieving your goals by having the answers, advice, tools and technology you need to continue heading towards the top of your game. You’ll also be keen to implement plans now while prices are good, to safeguard your business and your family’s future when tough times hit.
If you fancy being at the front of the queue for the latest information and expertise on how to make your beef property more profitable and sustainable, whilst also making your family proud by establishing yourself as a leader in your sector, we invite you to join the SA Beef & Sheep Industry Blueprint Working Group as a beef producer to provide your beef producer viewpoint.
The Beef Blueprint was developed by industry for industry and its Working Group includes beef producers just like you, who have a passion for their industry as well as for their businesses.
We are looking for forward-thinking beef producers of any age, who share our goal of making South Australian Beef a sought-after commodity in the global market.
The SA Beef and Sheep Industry Blueprint Working Group, comprising of 24 members, meets four times a year and governs both the SA Beef Industry Blueprint and the SA Sheep Industry Blueprint. Many issues are relevant to both sectors and each can learn from and strengthen each other.
The whole success of the Beef Industry Blueprint draws on collaboration and mutual support across the beef sector. Researchers work with producers and extension officers to improve calving rates, increase weight gain, extend grazing seasons. Processors work with Government and producers to provide carcass feedback and increase access to premium global markets.
The Working Group and the Beef Industry Blueprint delivery is funded primarily by the SA Cattle Industry Fund and aims to lay the groundwork and set up the opportunities for beef producers to access the support they need to thrive now and in the future.
Working Group members are lucky enough to have the corporate box view of South Australia’s beef industry, giving them access to the preliminary results of the newest innovations and to hear perspectives of some of the best in their field. All of which they can apply on their properties knowing they also have a great new Working Group network to call on if they need further advice.
If you’re a passionate South Australian Beef producer and are willing to make your mark by sharing your expertise and experience for all of the beef sector around the Working Group table, please get in touch with Blueprint Manager Libby Tedstone at ltedstone@livestocksa.org.au or (M) 0427 970 565.