August Newsletter: President’s Report
LIVESTOCK SA would like to acknowledge the support of Tim Whetstone as Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development over the past few years.
Mr Whetstone was instrumental in the success of new initiatives and services for the livestock industry, particularly with his support of the dog fence upgrade which reached its first major milestone on 15 July 2020 after many years of discussion.
The first 11-kilometre section of work has been completed on Curnamona Station as part of the 1600-kilometre dog fence rebuild.
The second stage of the $25 million rebuild will involve a review of construction, materials, improvements and contractor approval before the construction of the next 115km begins in August.
We would like to welcome and congratulate David Basham on his appointment as the new Minister.
Minister Basham has a long relationship with the South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association and played an integral part in the establishment of Livestock SA in 2013.
Livestock SA looks forward to working with Minister Basham on the many issues affecting the industry including drought support, the Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act, the Biosecurity Act and continued focus on the dog fence upgrade.
The drought forums held in July with former Minister Whetstone and Member for Stuart Dan van Holst Pellekaan held in Hawker, Peterborough and Robertstown were well attended, with kangaroo control and an extension of the on-farm water infrastructure rebate scheme key topics of discussion.
Local producers welcomed Mr Whetstone’s interest in the region and were appreciative of his attendance. Livestock SA will continue to follow up on the issues raised at these meetings with Minister Basham’s office.
– JOE KEYNES, President, Livestock SA