Better Health for Better Wealth Workshop
Monday, 20 March 2023 : 1:00 am
Location: Cummins Bowling Club (60 Bruce Tce, Cummins)
Better Health for Better Wealth Workshop
Focusing on livestock health issues that matter to you and your region!
When: Monday 20th March 2023
Where: Cummins Bowling Club (60 Bruce Tce, Cummins
RSVP by 13th March 2023 via Humantix or by contacting Livestock SA
The cost of this event is free to producers thanks to the Department of Primary Industries and Region’s Red Meat and Wool Growth Program.
Join us for the workshop from 12:30 pm (lunch provided from 12pm)
Sheep Health on the Eyre Peninsula — what to look for and how to prevent disease
- Dr Greg Sezun, Vets on Eyre
Sheep Traceability – NLIS database, LPA, NVD’s and Buying Sheep from Interstate
Best Practice Management for Sheep and Lamb Survival
- Dr Greg Sezun, Vets on Eyre
Sheep eID tags, Traceability and On Farm Benefits
- Emily Ward, Allflex
Statewide sheep health update
- Dr. Cornelius Matereke, PIRSA