Board member election results announced at Livestock SA AGM
Successful candidates in Livestock SA’s second board member election have been announced this morning at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting at Roseworthy campus.
Of the nine nominations received by Livestock SA, the five successful candidates in the 2015 election include four returned board members and one new member:
-Geoff Power
-Jack England
-Richard Halliday
-Andy Withers
-Allan Piggott (new member).
These members join those continuing for the second of their two‐year term including Andrew Clarke, Oodnadatta; Joe Keynes, Keyneton; Bill Nosworthy, Elliston; Steve Radeski, Woodside; and Penny Schulz, Field.
Livestock SA CEO Deane Crabb says the voting turnout remained strong this year with 26 percent of members returning votes from an increased membership base.
“This shows continued strong support and interest from producers on who represents them beyond their farm gate,” he said.
“Livestock SA acknowledges the contribution of producers who supported the election process, including Roger Farley, Tom Hampton, Greg Stevens and Alexander MacLachlan.
“A special acknowledgement goes to Mr MacLachlan as treasurer of Livestock SA and a founding board member of the organisation. His support and feedback has been integral in the establishment of Livestock SA and it’s initial work as a strong and independent voice for livestock producers.”
Mr Crabb said the AGM was attended by about 70 producers and industry stakeholders and supported a motion that a cattle transaction levy should be established in South Australia instead of the current levy on tag sales.
A series of new opportunities for commercial support of the organisation and benefits to members were also announced.
“Livestock SA has had a very successful year ‐ our membership continues to grow, with currently 2368 members and, with support from the Northern and Southern Regions, we are advocating for producers on a range of issues to government and industry.
“Livestock SA announced today that Allflex and Zee cattle manufacturers are offering a rebate to Livestock SA when members buy NLIS RFID breeder and post‐breeder tags. These must be purchased through rural resellers.
“In terms of benefits for members, Momentum Energy is offering members a 5 percent pay‐on‐time discount on electricity costs while Livestock SA is also in discussion with WFI on sponsorship. More information on these opportunities will be available shortly.
“Any livestock producer paying levies to the Sheep and Cattle Industry Funds is entitled to be a member. Joining is easy, just contact the office or join online.