Bushfire relief fodder donation depots open to SA producers
More than 700 tonnes of hay has already been donated to fire-affected farmers around the state who have been struggling to feed their livestock, with Livestock SA inviting further fodder donations to support the bushfire crisis currently unfolding in Kangaroo Island.
Livestock SA CEO Andrew Curtis extended his condolences to everyone impacted by the devastation of the recent South Australian bushfires.
“Livestock SA would like to thank all people and organisations who have been in contact regarding fodder donations and transportation to support livestock in the fire-affected areas,” he said.
“We have been inundated with messages from people throughout the state interested in donating feed for local farmers; it is fantastic to see South Australians coming together to support those in need.”
Bushfire relief fodder donation depots are currently open and receiving donations for both the Cudlee Creek and Kangaroo Island fire grounds, at Oakbank Racecourse and Cape Jervis respectively.
Members of the public are welcome to donate fodder or volunteer to help transport and off-load deliveries at depots or fire-affected properties by contacting Livestock SA directly.
“The donation depots are a short-term support option for those affected by the fires, however donations can make a big difference and give farming families one less thing to worry about,” Mr Curtis said.
The Oakbank Racecourse fodder depot, accessible via Shillabeer Road, will be open from 10:30am to 12pm each day for the rest of this week, or by appointment.
Opening hours for this depot will be assessed at the Cudlee Creek Fire Mixed Livestock Property meeting on Thursday 9 January 2020 at 7pm at Woodside Hall, with opening times set to reduce by the end of next week.
The Cape Jervis donation depot, located on the corner of Fishery Beach Road and Main South Road, is currently only open by appointment due to ferry logistics.
Livestock SA is also on the lookout for people who can provide agistment for livestock from fire-affected areas.
If you are interested in donating fodder or are able to provide agistment, please contact Livestock SA with the type of feed and volume you are able to donate along with the delivery options, or space available for agistment.
If you are interested in receiving any of the donated fodder, please bring your property identification code (PIC) along with a valid ID to one of the depot sites.
If transportation of feed is an issue, please liaise with Livestock SA directly.
For more information, email Livestock SA at admin@livestocksa.org.au, call the office at 08 8297 2299, private message Livestock SA via its Facebook page or visit its website at www.livestocksa.org.au.