Colin Trengove
Board Member
0418 808 045
I have followed the activities of Livestock SA with interest and support for many years including as the veterinary representative on the Johnes disease subcommittee for a decade until it was disbanded in 2018. I have facilitated over 40 producer training courses and workshops in all regions of SA over the 43 years since graduation as a veterinarian and have contributed to livestock health and production by assisting producers both individually and through broad extension at every opportunity. I have also served as the veterinary representative for Sheep Producers Australia (& formerly the Sheep Meats Council) on the Consultative Committee on Exotic Animal Disease since 2006. It is against this background and interest that I believe I can make a useful contribution as a board member to the organisation.
While I am not a livestock producer I have maintained an interest in my family’s livestock business at Spalding that began with my grandfather for 3 generations and my work with the livestock industry in SA has provided me with a rich and varied appreciation of livestock production across the State.