Donations and Assistance
While many livestock producers are donating hay for delivery to Kangaroo Island, Livestock SA is also getting inquiries from others on how they can assist those affected.
There are multiple ways you can help:
- Plan a holiday on the Island this year (And recommend to others). The Island will be open for business by the end of the month and they desperately need to rebuild tourism.
- Buy KI products. Those in Adelaide can do so via the Kangaroo Island stall at the Central Markets. Most of the Island’s wineries have online sales.
- Donate money to business and island recovery.
Donations – Funds
The Mayoral Bushfire Fund
The local Council, through the Mayor, has established a fund that already has attracted nearly two million dollars. The funds will be used to support families devastated by the fires, but specific criteria are yet to be developed. Tax deductibility for Australians is being arranged. If this is important for you, you may wish to delay your donation until confirmed on the website: kangarooisland.sa.gov.au
BankSA Kingscote BSB 105-094
Account Number: 035 680 540
Account Name: Mayoral Bushfire Fund
International: Use Swift Code SGBLAU2S
The Kangaroo Island Children’s Bushfire Fund
The local school, and in particular its Parndana Campus where more than 30 students and six teachers have lost everything, has been severely impacted. This Fund has been established by the Deputy Mayor to directly assist.
All funds received will be made available to the Campus Head, Matt Linn, to use to support the emotional well-being of the most severely impacted students.
While there is no tax deductibility, if you wish to support in this way, direct bank deposits can be made as follows:
BankSA Kingscote: BSB 105-094
Account Number: 035 684 740
Account Name: George Teasdale
International: Use Swift Code SGBLAU2S
For more information, email Livestock SA at admin@livestocksa.org.au, call the office at 08 8297 2299, private message Livestock SA via its Facebook page or visit its website at www.livestocksa.org.au.