Expressions of interest sought for new Sheep Traceability Steering Committee
Livestock SA is seeking expressions of interests from across the sheep value chain, such as producers, government, processors, livestock agents and saleyard operators, to guide the future of sheep traceability in South Australia.
A new Sheep Traceability Steering Committee is being established as part of a project led by Livestock SA and funded by the Sheep Industry Fund and the Department of Primary Industries and Regions.
The project will assess the benefits, risks and costs of implementing a mandatory sheep electronic identification system in the state.
Livestock SA CEO Travis Tobin said the South Australian sheep industry is accountable for its traceability, and there is an expectation from markets, government and regulatory bodies to accurately trace livestock through the supply chain.
“Nationally it is no longer a matter of if but when sheep electronic identification (eID) will become mandatory,” Mr Tobin said.
“Livestock SA is undertaking this work to inform future industry and government decision-making on what will be required to implement a sheep eID system in South Australia.
“To ensure this work addresses the needs of all parts of the sheep industry, we are seeking representatives from across the value chain to contribute to the Sheep Traceability Project.
“The steering committee’s role will be to advise and support Livestock SA to make sure any changes to the sheep traceability systems are appropriate and best suited to the state’s needs as assessed by industry.”
Interested parties are encouraged to review the Sheep Traceability Steering Committee Terms of Reference and submit an expression of interest (EOI). Livestock SA will assess the EOIs and may conduct interviews to ensure the steering committee encompasses the views of all industry sectors.
To receive a copy of the Sheep Traceability Steering Committee Terms of Reference and EOI form, contact Livestock SA on 08 8297 2299 or admin@livestocksa.org.au.
Expressions of interest must be submitted to Livestock SA by close of business Monday 18 July 2022.