Fodder needs during the River Murray flood
Livestock SA’s call to help SA producers affected by flood to meet their fodder needs.
Flood affected River Murray livestock producers are being asked to provide Livestock SA with details of their fodder needs to assess the demand and coordinate donations.
The River Murray flooding is causing major disruptions for primary producers including limiting access to livestock grazing areas and creating feed shortages.
Livestock SA President Joe Keynes said that these businesses require support now while they work out the severity of the flooding for their business and make plans for recovery.
“Livestock SA has been proud to support producers with fodder in the past and we know that this can ease the short term burden while producers can make future plans in the recovery phase.” Mr Keynes said.
Livestock SA is also seeking fodder donations from producers to help those in need, please contact Livestock SA or complete the online form with the type of feed and volume you have available to donate along with the delivery options.
Please call Livestock SA or complete the online form if you require fodder.
Click here to complete the online form
For more information, email Livestock SA at admin@livestocksa.org.au or call the office on 08 8297 2299
Media Contact:
Hannah Trevilyan, Livestock SA Communications and Membership Manager: 08 8297 2299