Thursday, February 27, 2020
The Department for Innovation and Skills discussion paper ‘Hi-Tech Sector’ outlines various industries that have competitive hi-tech advantages whether it be advances within their technology products or services. It is disappointing to see that the agricultural industry has not been recognized or acknowledged within the discussion paper.
The agricultural industry is at the forefront of new technology and has immense potential for growth and development to help increase the South Australian economy. Although new technologies are developing at exponential rates, they are not being well adopted by farmers. The industry needs more support for new technologies to be implemented on farms, while encouraging the continual advancement of the agricultural industry.
There needs to be more recognition to the agricultural industry, particularly as it is one of the main contributors to our economy. With the continual support, technologies will continue to advance in order to meet future demands, challenges and needs. Livestock SA acknowledges the need of technology within the agricultural industry and will offer our on-going support to producers and the industry.