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MacLoran Farm

Resilience Assessment

Individual name only, not business name.
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Completing the resilience assessment gives you an idea about where you and your business are currently at. This is an important part of building your resilience roadmap as it helps to identify your strengths and weaknesses and provides you with guidance on developing your goals. 

Each member of the business should complete the resilience assessment to ensure everyone’s perspective is captured and discussed through the program.

The resilience assessment is designed to prompt your thinking about your livestock and/or grains business and identify areas that are a priority for you by ticking the box that best describes where you and your business are currently. There are no right or wrong answers, and you will get the most out of the program by answering each question truthfully. 

There are note pages provided for you to write down any thoughts or additional information that is relevant to you and your business. 

Once you have completed the resilience assessment, the next step is to use this information and work with a facilitator to develop your resilience roadmap. 

A resilience roadmap is a business planning document that summarises the process of identifying goals, risks and actions that will help to build personal and business ‘resilience.’ It will also help you to identify how to manage adverse events such as drought.

Your resilience roadmap should be evidence-based, incorporating learnings from training to be tailored to you and your business. Business risks and the way they are managed influence the sustainability of your production, natural resources and profitability. These risks regularly change and to manage the impact to your business, your resilience roadmap or any other business plan should be reviewed regularly. Business plans are valuable documents that will assist discussions with your bank manager, accountant, consultants or advisors.

If you are participating in the AgRi-Silience workshops with a facilitator, a resilience roadmap template will be provided to you.