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MacLoran Farm

Develop a Biosecurity Action Plan

Every property and farming enterprise is different, and each faces a unique set of challenges and risks. Best practice biosecurity suggests a biosecurity management plan should include an action plan which details how producers intend to minimise or mitigate biosecurity risks to a property. It does not capture current activities but provides guidance on what needs to be implemented within a business to enhance overall biosecurity.

Once the biosecurity risks assessment has been completed (see completing a livestock biosecurity risk assessment), and there has been a biosecurity management plan developed a producer can create an action plan to address those risks. Any risks they have noted as “moderate”, “high”, or “very high” while completing the risk assessment should be covered in the action plan.

It is important that the actions in the plan are tailored to individual businesses. While risks may be common across many different properties and enterprises, management strategies can vary greatly depending on unique circumstances. There is no “one size fits all” approach to biosecurity planning.

Developing SMART goals

For an action plan to be effective, the actions should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.

Specific: actions should clearly and concisely explain what will be achieved

Measurable: be able to clearly demonstrate how effective the actions have been

Achievable: it should not only be possible but practical to complete the actions with the resources and budget a producer has

Relevant: actions should provide a clear benefit to the enterprise

Timely: actions should have a clear timeline for being completed

Review your plan

A biosecurity management plan and action plan should be reviewed at least annually to ensure the content is up to date and relevant, and to keep track of the implementation of practices identified in the action plan.