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MacLoran Farm

LevelUp Limestone Coast

Saturday, 6 April 2024 : 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Location: Naracoorte Showgrounds - Naracoorte, SA

Cost: $2750 (for two employees)

Contact / Further information

Nathaniel Modra
0438 640 768


LevelUp is a comprehensive course designed to equip farmers and agricultural business owners with the required skills and knowledge to develop a profitable and resilient farm business. Through a supported group learning framework, LevelUp will provide participants with practical information and resources to guide the implementation of good governance, operating systems, and processes that ensure transparency, accountability, and consistent management. LevelUp is a supported learning package offered through the MLA Profitable Grazing Systems program and is suitable for anyone seeking to improve their business model and drive growth.


• Gain knowledge of farm governance principles and learn how adopting these principles can create a resilient, robust, and profitable business model

• Identify the key values that define the preferred culture for their farm business, setting the foundation for a positive working environment

• Understand the role of policy and appreciate the practical benefits of its application in their farming operations

• Learn the difference between operational and strategic thinking and implement strategic planning within their business to achieve long-term success

• Develop a plan for managing risks in their business, ensuring proactive risk mitigation strategies are in place

Cost to producers is $2750 (for two employees) which includes a 30% discount provided by MLA and support from Limestone Coast Landscape Board, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

Published: 5 April 2024

Event Type:

Industry Event