Livestock SA 2022 Board Nominees
Livestock SA received 8 nominations for five vacant Board positions. True Vote has been engaged to conduct the ballot; members can vote for their preferred candidates using online voting through True Vote.
Voting closes: 5pm on Monday, 15 August 2022.
For more information, contact returning officer Alison Amber on 08 8297 2299.
NAME: Joe Keynes

LOCATION: Keyneton
CONTACT: 0428 648 235, keyneton@activ8.net.au
I am a partner in a family farming business with Sally, daughter Georgie and son-in-law Toby, operating at Keyneton and in the Southeast, principally grazing Merino sheep, Angus cattle and first-cross lambs.
Currently Livestock SA’s president, I have enjoyed the challenge of representing industry views in many forums. With a strong Board, Livestock SA has advocated and won support for many initiatives. I am a Councillor on the Primary Producers SA Council, serving on the Executive as Treasurer and Convenor of the PPSA Natural Resource Committee. Livestock SA strongly supports PPSA to represent us on cross commodity issues. I represent Livestock SA on the Blueprint Working Group, the dog fence rebuild committee and the kangaroo partnership Project.
I am proud to serve on the Livestock SA Board and, with members’ support, look forward to continuing to assist in consolidating Livestock SA’s position in supporting agriculture. It is a challenging but exciting time to be involved in the livestock industry. A strong Livestock SA will help the industry continue to reap the benefits of these times.
NAME: Richard Kirkland

LOCATION: Furner/ Conmurra, Lower South East
CONTACT: 0428 343 690, richieandnikki@bigpond.com Twitter: @RichieKirkland2
I manage our family farm near Millicent in the South East of SA. We have a mixed farming enterprise with prime lambs, self-replacing ewes, cattle and cropping (including cereals, pulses, brassicas and summer fodder crops).
I worked in the wool industry as a shearer for a decade, shearing throughout Australia and representing the Australian shearing team in New Zealand. I was a shearing instructor with TAFE SA and continue to support young shearers and wool handlers holding shearing schools on our property for the last 3 years.
I have previously been an Executive member of McKillop Farm Management Group and through this group have undertaken a range of Research and Development trials on our property. I actively promote R&D throughout the local area including quality assurance programs, low stress stock handling and Lifetime Ewe program. I am a member of Millicent Ag Bureau and local CFS brigade. I regularly mentor, support and offer guidance to young and upcoming farmers. I am passionate about improving farming and livestock practices and would appreciate the opportunity to represent the South East on Livestock SA Board.
NAME: Alison Nunan

CONTACT: 0427 357 243, Hilton Rural Trading, hiltonrural@activ8.net.au.
I have been fortunate to have had a long involvement in agriculture. Raised on a farm, educated in science, worked in the industry as a research assistant and then as an agronomist in the early nineties, I have been involved in a number of different facets in agriculture.
For the past thirty years I have worked alongside my husband Bradley in our commercial mixed farming enterprise, Hilton Rural Trading near Robe in the southeast.
We have recently expanded our business to include a small station near Hawker, giving us different challenges and perspectives to those we face in the southeast.
I am currently the Mayor of the District Council of Robe which has been an interesting and challenging journey. It has given me some good insights and skills which I hope to bring to the Livestock SA Board.
The livestock industry faces a period of great change and I would like to be part of an organisation that helps guide that change.
NAME: Anthony Hurst

LOCATION: Lucindale
CONTACT: 0428 332 676, Seriston Pastoral, ahurst.seriston@bigpond.com.
I see Livestock SA as an extremely valuable industry body for the South Australian livestock industry, and also at a national level.
With the ever-increasing threat from disease and welfare issues that farmers are facing, a support network like livestock SA is never more important than today.
I see a clear and precise state-based agreement working towards a national plan on disease management, EID traceability and animal welfare.
To see all of the sectors involved in our industry working together is a hard task but one that is extremely important to the longevity of the industry.
I have experience navigating through issues and concerns within the livestock industry through my current industry involvement. I strongly feel that I can bring experience and new ideas at a producer and industry level to support and progress the programs and initiatives that have already been implemented by the Livestock SA Board.
NAME: Mary Rowe

LOCATION: Elliston
CONTACT: 0418 898 505, mary.rowe@zoetis.com
I am currently employed with Zoetis Australia as the South Australia Northern territory sales manager and together with my husband manage our own wool & meat enterprise on the Eyre Peninsula’s west coast. In my Zoetis role I liaise with resellers, producers, industry advocates. I provide frequent animal health advise to sheep producers, feedlots and vets. To support this, I have maintained a steady investment in personal development in technical and business skills. I have experience across the livestock industry including regulatory, animal health, nutrition, and feedlot management. I have worked extensively presenting content to producers and stakeholders.
I feel I have much to offer Livestock SA. I have strong interpersonal skills with particular interest in building knowledge in farmers and pro-active disease prevention. I have gained a wide range of skills through my career and purchasing and running our own farm has consolidated many aspects. We have not received generation support to start farming. Setting clear goals, working towards these gaols and having a plan is critical to success.
NAME: Dr Ron Baker

LOCATION: Naracoorte
CONTACT: 0409 812 151, ron@ronbakercoaching.com.au
I’d like to introduce you to Dr Ron Baker a qualified Vet and who, with his wife Elisha own Cadgee Downs Belted Galloway stud at Naracoorte. Ron graduated from the Melbourne University Veterinary School. From 1981 to 1996 he was a production animal vet in South Australia, a period he describes as one full of “green shit & romance”. Later, he built up a small animal 5 practice group in the south of Adelaide. He advises that proximity to the premier red wine producing McLaren Vale area had nothing to do with his choice of location. In 2010 Ron established the Adelaide Specialist and Emergency Centre and later moved lead the large 20 hospital Greencross national specialist and emergency hospital group. An MBA with a diploma in Property, Ron is a member of the AICD and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Managers and Leaders. He has taught business at UniSA and presented on business at many events including AVA national conferences and has recently moved back into business coaching and consulting. A former state president of the AVA (SA) and member of the AVA (Practice Management) committee, Ron has held several board appointments and is currently part way through a PhD in business and a Diploma in Coaching. Ron and Elisha have three children who compete for their affection with their Belted Galloway ladies and “Buddy”, the pet Beltie Steer, who just didn’t make the cut. Although given his recent dominant displays toward Elisha, that just might change.
NAME: Leonie Mills

CONTACT: 0427 631 358, jkljmills@outlook.com
My husband Jon and I run a mixed farming operation at Cowell/Cleve/Wharminda on Eastern Eyre Peninsula. We have three adult children. I have been farming since 1980 initially on my family farm and then in partnership with Jon since ’96. Both families have been farming on Eyre peninsula for well over a century. Our youngest son has this year returned home to join us.
We crop around 2200 ha and run a commercial flock from which we produce crossbred lambs. We also run the Morley Poll Merino Stud of which I am stud principle.
I currently sit on the Merino SA executive committee and hold the role of treasurer.
I sat as a board member on the SA Sheep Advisory Group from 2008 to 2019 with 3 years as Chair. I currently sit on the SASIF and SACIF Boards selection panel.
NAME: Colin Trengove

LOCATION: Burnside / Spalding
CONTACT: 0418 808 045, colin@proagvet.com
I have followed the activities of Livestock SA with interest and support for many years including as the veterinary representative on the Johnes disease subcommittee for a decade until it was disbanded in 2018. I have facilitated over 40 producer training courses and workshops in all regions of SA over the 43 years since graduation as a veterinarian and have contributed to livestock health and production by assisting producers both individually and through broad extension at every opportunity. I have also served as the veterinary representative for Sheep Producers Australia (& formerly the Sheep Meats Council) on the Consultative Committee on Exotic Animal Disease since 2006. It is against this background and interest that I believe I can make a useful contribution as a board member to the organisation.
While I am not a livestock producer I have maintained an interest in my family’s livestock business at Spalding that began with my grandfather for 3 generations and my work with the livestock industry in SA has provided me with a rich and varied appreciation of livestock production across the State.
Voting closes at 5pm on Monday, 15 August 2022.
Please register with True Vote for your secure online vote.