Livestock SA support for the new wild dog strategy
Livestock SA welcomes the new SA wild dog management strategy 2023-33, recently unveiled by the South Australian Government.
Sheep grazier and Livestock SA president, Joe Keynes, said “this initiative is critical for South Australian livestock producers across the state, safeguarding their businesses and the welfare of their animals from the relentless threat of wild dogs.
"Dingo and wild dog attacks have far-reaching consequences, not only affecting the animals but also the mental and economic well-being of the producers focused on protecting the health and welfare of their animals."
"We understand that in 2018, SA producers lost about 20,000 sheep to wild dog attacks, which led to the development of new control programs and this new strategy to mitigate the impacts of dog attacks."
“Just last week, we received reports that two producers north of the Ngarkat Conservation Park lost more than 30 sheep in two days due to dingo attacks, and unfortunately these are not isolated incidents."
"We commend the state government for their action on this issue, as we know it requires a strategic and ongoing effort that industry supports” Mr Keynes said.
Economically, this strategy represents a significant win for the state’s livestock production sector, bolstering the efforts and investment toward the 1,600-kilometre Dog Fence rebuild, which is estimated to represent a net benefit of between $56 million to $113 million over 20 years.
For further enquiries or information, please contact Livestock SA on 08 8297 2299.
The SA Wild Dog Management Strategy 2023-33 can be viewed on the Primary Industries and Regions website: Wild dogs and dingoes - PIRSA
Media Contact:
Hannah Trevilyan, Communications and Membership Manager, 08 8297 2299