Livestock SA welcomes Federal Govt funding for wild dog control
Livestock SA has welcomed news of Federal Government funding for Stage 3 of the National Wild Dog Action Plan in 2017-18 and 2018-19.
More than $312,000 has been granted for the project through the Federal Government’s Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper’s Established Pest Animals and Weeds Measure.
Livestock SA representative and Chair of the national Stakeholder Consultative Group through the National Wild Dog Action Plan, Geoff Power, thanked the Federal Government for their continued support in the fight against wild dog predation.
“We are grateful for the Federal Government’s continued support,” Mr Power said.
“Having funding for stage three of the project will go a long way to ensure continued collaboration and coordination at a national level which will be vital for us to get on top of the wild dog problem.
“Stage 3 of the NWDAP will ensure we continue to build capacity and help with a whole of landscape approach.
“Besides the impact they are having on livestock production, they are also causing significant damage to native animal populations.”
Mr Power said in South Australia wild dog control continued to be a concern, with 550 dogs shot or trapped south of the fence since the start of the year.
“It’s an extremely concerning figure and why Livestock SA continues to advocate for further funding to be allocated towards wild dog control,” Mr Power said.
“Dogs have been caught as far south at Eurelia in the Upper North, Port Neill on the Eyre Peninsula and to the east of Burra.
“There have also been reports of sheep losses and bites at Peterborough, Orroroo and in the Flinders Ranges.
“If they were to become established in peri-urban areas such as the Clare Valley or Barossa Valley it would become extremely hard to eradicate them so it’s important wild dog control continues to remain a focus at a national and state level.”