March Newsletter: Presidents Report
Livestock SA is looking forward to the opportunities 2021 presents to provide increased advocacy and continued engagement for the SA livestock industry.
A great example of successful advocacy leading to implementation is the dog fence rebuild. The first section of the rebuild has been successfully completed and the second section is well underway with 20-kilometres completed by the end of January. Livestock SA will continue to work with the Dog Fence Rebuild committee to ensure progress on the rebuild continues at a significant pace. A long-term plan will be developed for ongoing management and maintenance of the fence, after the rebuild.
Ensuring there is more certainty for pastoralists through longer tenure leases and more diverse land use in the new Pastoral Act will be a key focus for Livestock SA this year. It is hoped the new Act will be legislated in 2021. Livestock SA will also take an active role in the development of the proposed Biosecurity Act this year.
The SA Sheep Industry Blueprint will be released early this year which will set targets for the industry to achieve by 2030. The Blueprint is a strategy for sustainable
industry growth which will ensure the South Australian sheep industry remains a vibrant and strong contributor to the state’s employment and economy. The new Blueprint will be launched at Meat & Livestock Australia’s MeatUp forum in Gawler on March 5. See the upcoming event information below for more information.
The bushfires in the South East and Adelaide Hills provided the opportunity to test the new response systems Livestock SA put in place after last years bushfires. The improved coordination with the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) and the delivery and management of fodder donations and deliveries allowed for a more streamlined and organised bushfire response.
As always, Livestock SA will continue to support its members and is looking forward to more face-to-face meetings while managing COVID-19 restrictions.
Members will have the opportunity to hear guest speaker CMV Trucks founder Jim Crawford at the upcoming Southern Region Meeting at Robe Bowling Club on February 12. We look forward to seeing a good crowd there and also urge members to save the date for the upcoming Northern Region Meeting scheduled for March 11.