Mary Rowe
Board Member | Coolillie, SA
0418 898 505
Brief Biography
I have extensive experience in animal nutrition across intensive and extensive sheep and cattle production systems in South Australia. I have worked in aspects of the meat and wool supply chain from conception to marketing and consumption. In my roles I have consistently pushed to use new technology where an economic benefit can be demonstrated, improve animal welfare and improve the employing companies' market position. I seek to balance production increases and sustainability with profitability. I bring a balanced perspective of practical experience, technical knowledge, and business acumen.
Brad and myself own and are developing a first-generation livestock enterprise on our property at Elliston. We purchased the property in 2018, and over the last few years have bred up a self-replacing flock of Merino ewes. We have invested significantly in developing a new water network throughout the property, building a shearing shed, new sheep yards, establishing perennial pastures, rebuilding boundary fences, reducing impacts from wildlife, utilising electronic tags to manage stock, and are in the process of refencing all internal property to maximise dry matter production in marginal country.