New landscape act opens opportunities for SA producers
The management of the state’s land, water, pest, plants and animals
and biodiversity has been significantly updated following the
introduction of new legislation by the State Government.
The Landscape South Australia Act 2019 will replace the National Resources Management Act 2004, with eight new regional landscape boards coming into effect on 1 July this year.
Livestock SA Chief Executive Officer Andrew Curtis said this provided a unique opportunity for livestock producers to become involved and have a say on how their land is managed.
“The new legislation will give communities and landholders a greater voice in managing their landscapes,” he said.
“It is vital that Livestock SA members consider applying for their local board to open up communication and have their say on important landcare issues.”
Eight new landscape boards will administer the act, set to fully commence on 1 July 2020, and presiding members have been appointed to lead each of the new boards by the Minister for Environment and Water David Speirs.
“Having eight regional landscape boards allows for greater autonomy and flexibility to respond to local issues,” Mr Curtis said.
The boards will support local communities and land managers to be directly responsible for sustainably managing their region’s natural resources.
“It is expected there will also be less red tape and simplified compliance to enable boards to get the job done more easily,” he said.
Other benefits of the new legislation include a State Landscape Strategy to improve coordination between regional and state priorities and a Landscape Priorities Fund to support larger statewide management issues such as bushfire recovery, drought and agricultural resilience.
“This is an opportunity for producers to be influential in bringing about change in the way natural resources and the environment underpin agriculture in their region,” he said.
If you would like more detail on the nomination process please contact the Livestock SA office on 08 8297 2299.
Nominations for members for the regional landscape boards close Friday 6 March 2020.
The new landscape regions are shown below.
To find out more about the new Landscape South Australia Act or to access the application form to nominate as a member visit www.landscape.sa.gov.au.