Policy reviews help graziers
A range of pastoral region policies and plans that impact producers are being revised in 2020 and Livestock SA encourages South Australian producers to get involved and provide their feedback.
The Declared Animal Policy (wild dogs and dingoes), which provides strategies to control and reduce wild dog populations inside the Dog Fence in SA, is out for public consultation until April 17.
The recently proposed changes require landholders to follow minimum baiting standards inside the Dog Fence.
The standards aim to set clear expectations and improve the responsiveness of landholders and coordination of wild dog control programs across neighbouring properties.
Landholders will have to control wild dogs in a buffer zone of 35 kilometres outside the Dog Fence to reduce the risk of wild dog incursions.
This includes a baiting standard for the buffer zone.
The policy also allows aerial baiting of wild dogs in all natural resource management regions, permitting aerial baiting by both NRM boards and landholders.
Livestock SA believes the proposed changes, along with the upgrade of the Dog Fence beginning in autumn this year, will support the growth of SA’s sheep industry and reduce the risk of wild dog attacks on livestock.
Anyone with an interest in, or impacted by, the management of wild dogs in SA has the opportunity to provide feedback on the revised wild dog policy via the online discussion link on the PIRSA website or by emailing pirsa.wilddogpolicy@sa.gov.au.
As one of its final priorities prior to transitioning to the Landscape Boards, the SA Arid Lands NRM board is revising the Water Allocation Plan for the Far North Prescribed Wells area, with the final revision phase closing on March 31.
Following information sessions held in Coober Pedy and Marree in November, formal consultation meetings were held in February and continued into March to give producers an opportunity to provide comments on the draft WAP for the board’s consideration.
Some of the proposed changes include ‘unbundled’ water rights to provide more security around water and enable easier transfer of water rights, acknowledging Aboriginal cultural connection to the FNPWA water resources and a more flexible and scientific approach to the management of the resource and non-Great Artesian Basin groundwater.
Comments regarding the draft Water Allocation Plan can be submitted via email to SAALNRMAridlands@sa.gov.au or by ringing or emailing Livestock SA.
– ANDREW CURTIS, Chief Executive Officer, Livestock SA