Producers called to have their say on new Livestock Brands App
LIVESTOCK producers were given the chance to explore a prototype of the Livestock Brands App at the Livestock SA Update & AGM and first-ever SA Cattle Producers Forum at Hahndorf last week.
Livestock SA and the State Government have been working on a new online system for producers to register brands and earmarks, after the Brands Act 1933 was formally repealed on January 1. As a result, brands no longer need to be registered with Primary Industries and Regions SA.
Since then, and following feedback from Livestock SA, Primary Industries and Regions SA have been working with a group of designers to develop a prototype app using simple technology and on-farm consultation and testing with stakeholders.
The current prototype has been developed to better assist producers identify a brand and find, or report, a lost animal.
Once complete, the app will streamline the traditional way brands are registered – making it easier for producers to keep a record of their stock. Previously, if you were new to the market and wanted to register a brand, traditionally you would have to fill in many forms, and wait to see if the brand was taken or not. There were 60,000 registered brands, so it could take some time.
Now it is proposed that you can open the app, click on it, and if you want to record a brand, you can enter your details, type of animals, chose the letter, numbers or special characters, and it works realtime.
Lost livestock can also appear on the dashboard of the app.
If you find an animal with brands clearly visible, the prototype uses deductive reasoning, to help find the animal. Then, either you will be given a contact number for the owner, or can send a written report. It will create an instant response in comparison to the current system which can take a much longer time.
It also works if you can’t clearly see all of the numbers or letters.
What I ask you now, as livestock producers, is to have a look at the prototype, at the link below is an online feedback form and step-by-step instructions on how you can trial four real-life scenarios on the app.
This is a great chance to have your say, so I would urge you all to have a look, try it out and fill in the feedback.
Details: The prototype Livestock Brands App is available at