South Australians urged to support the industry on National Agriculture Day
With one in five South Australians employed in the food industry, the state’s commodity advocacy and research groups are encouraging everyone to celebrate the industry on National Agriculture Day on Tuesday November 21.
Primary Producers SA, along with its commodity group members Grain Producers SA, Livestock SA, SA Dairyfarmers’ Association, and the state’s grower-funded research organisation the South Australian Grain Industry Trust have joined forces to encourage all South Australians to applaud the industry and those who work in it.
PPSA Executive Chair Rob Kerin said as a major employer of this state, agriculture’s role as the engine room of the state’s economy needed to be acknowledged.
“Agriculture includes everything from food production, wool, livestock, cropping, horticulture, viticulture, pork, dairy and aquaculture and more,” he said.
“This industry is the backbone of the South Australian economy and the key to our future. National Agriculture Day provides us an opportunity to thank our food producers and to encourage a new generation to consider joining this exciting industry.
“Our state’s farmers, food manufacturers, researchers, technical experts and everyone involved in this industry play a critical role in taking our food to the world. Agriculture is our state’s largest exporter and is a major employer.”
Mr Kerin encouraged all South Australians to join in National Agriculture Day celebrations:
- Use social media to share why you’re proud to be involved in the industry, or thank those who work in the industry. Some popular hashtags are #AgDay, #thankafarmerSA, #AusAg – and don’t forget to follow @GrainProducerSA, @Livestock_SA, @SAGrainTrust, @SA_PIRSA, @ozfarmers and @NationalFarmers.
- Choose Australian, and in particular, South Australian, food! We are spoilt for choice in this state, it’s easy to support local food producers.
- Host an event. Organise a school activity, morning tea or a lunch during the week of 20-24 November or plan a post-harvest lunch and give our farmers something to look forward to after this busy season.
- Submit a photo to the National Ag Day photo competition.
More information is available at agday