Travelling into South Australia from 23 November
From today (23 November), people vaccinated against COVID-19 - including returning South Australian residents - can travel into SA but must follow entry conditions based on their risk level.
If you are travelling to SA from interstate or overseas after 12.01am 23 November, you must apply through the new EntryCheck SA application.
Livestock SA urges all members of our industries to comply with health directions, including vaccinating yourself against COVID-19.
EntryCheck SA will assess your vaccination status and COVID-19 risk, and advise of any entry conditions.
Your entry conditions will depend on your vaccination status and the determined risk of your primary interstate location or if you are travelling from overseas.
Depending on your level of risk, you may need to complete quarantine, testing and symptom check requirements using HealthCheck SA.
If you are not vaccinated you will need to apply for an exemption to enter SA. This can be made as an extension of your EntryCheck SA application.
For more information on EntryCheck SA and complete an application: www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/travel/entrycheck-sa
For more information on HealthCheck SA: www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/travel/healthcheck-sa
For more information on interstate local government areas level of risk: www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/COVIDLGAentry
More information is available on the SA Government website.
For information regarding Primary Industries and COVID-19, including all past industry updates, please visit PIRSA’s COVID-19 Primary Industries Portal. For the most recent information on SA’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic visit www.covid-19.sa.gov.au.
For any further assistance, please call the Livestock SA office on 08 8297 2299.