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MacLoran Farm

Water Infrastructure Grants

While Livestock SA is very pleased that more funding has now been allocated for the On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme, we are concerned that those who had already applied have not yet received their funding or indeed any notifications from PIRSA.

This Scheme has been jointly funded by the State and Commonwealth Governments, and it appears that there have been some administrative issues and technicalities that have been causing the delays.

Details on the scheme that is supposedly now available for new applications, can be found in recent media releases – go to The Premiers Media Release and the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment. to read these.

Producers who have made commitments to eligible livestock related activities between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2021 should be able to receive funding.
For new applicants, note that only 25% of the costs can now been claimed.

Livestock SA is keen to hear from members, particularly if they have not been informed if their applications have been successful and funded.

Send your feedback to either or call the office on 8297 2299.

Published: 30 April 2021