Water infrastructure grants available to drought affected producers
Drought affected farmers have the opportunity to access up to $50,000 to help with the purchase and installation of on-farm water infrastructure under the On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme.
Livestock SA welcomes the State Government’s agreement to match Commonwealth Government funding for the scheme, which provides eligible South Australian drought affected livestock farmers with a rebate to cover half the cost of such projects, up to $50,000.
Livestock SA president Joe Keynes said the scheme will be very beneficial for livestock producers battling with drought.
“The aim of the scheme is to address animal welfare issues so primary producers can increase productivity and ensure they will be more resilient in future droughts,” he said.
The funding can cover the purchase and installation of pipes, water storage infrastructure such as tanks and troughs, water pumps and associated electronic systems to manage water delivery, desilting dams and the drilling of new stock water bores.
To be eligible to apply for the grant, the producer must be located in an area defined as drought affected.
“This means the entirety of Kangaroo Island is eligible to apply for the rebate, which will definitely be of benefit to those who have also been affected by the current bushfires,” Mr Keynes said.
Farm businesses outside of the declared drought affected areas can make an application if they can demonstrate a critical need for water for livestock due to seasonal conditions which will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
The infrastructure must be purchased after 30 June 2018 to be eligible.
Applications for the rebate scheme close 31 March 2021, or when the funding allocation is exhausted, whichever occurs first.
To access the eligibility criteria or the application form for the rebate scheme, visit the Primary Industries and Regions SA website www.pir.sa.gov.au.